Follow me to my new blog:

This site is kept open for archival purposes. There are lots of blog posts on everything from tech stuff to Scientology on this site. It will remain open for years to come.

But, my new home is at That is where I continue blogging and sharing materials for your free use. You can subscribe at the bottom page over at to keep yourself updated on new posts.

Articles, books, my artwork and music is shared at one of the pages on my new website, and easily reached via


Geir’s Geekery

I have started the process of migrating from WordPress to Jekyll. And boy am I excited 😀

Since Jekyll is a web site platform written in Ruby with lots of possibilities and extensions, I am right at home. No more writing posts in web forms or clicking around in admin panels – like with WordPress. With Jekyll, pages, posts and other content are simple text files on my laptop. I drop images in directories, fire up a script and my website gets updated with a swish!

First out is the geekier part of me. I have moved over to Jekyll and will move also my blogging over there with and pointing to the same site (maybe to different parts of the site… we’ll see).

Walk right over to and leave a comment or five on the Welcome post. Tell me what you think about my new home. Any home improvement tips?

Amar Tools reaches a milestone: The 1.0 release!

After 15 years in the making, finally Amar Tools is ‘feature complete’ and deserving the 1.0 release mark.

The swiss army knife tool set for the Amar Role-Playing game is freely available on Github. Although created for the Amar RPG, these tools are useful for any fantasy RPG.

The online version is available here:

A shortened version of the feature list:

  • Generate random encounters in various terrains (day or night): The encounters are of various races, complete with random names, sex, stats and attitude towards the player characters. You can download the generated encounters as a text file. 
  • Generate random human NPCs. All attributes, skills, weapons, armour, magic, etc. is detailed according to the Amar RPG rules. You can bookmark the URL for each NPC (for future references) and download a text file of the NPC. 
  • Generate random settlements complete with inhabitants – castles, villages, towns or cities:
    • A realistic set of house types are generated and each house populated with residents. Each inhabitant are generated with name according to its race, sex, personality and general skill level in their trade. You can bookmark the URL for the generated settlement for later reference and download a text file as well.
    • A graphical map of relations between the inhabitants is generated along with a text file representing the same. You can bookmark and download both.


  • Generate graphical and textual relationship maps for inhabitants of settlements you upload. 
  • Generate a month of random weather. Choose any of the Amar months and detailed weather is created for that specific month – with special religious days and moon phases. If you are a Game Master of any other RPG, choose “Unspecified” as the month and 28 days of weather is created. You can download the weather as a nice PDF. 
  • Generate random names for a whole range of races. 
  • Make “open ended dice rolls” (used extensively throughout the Amar RPG).


Check out the online version to see all the other features.

Thanks to all contributors – players, game masters and others that have helped push the Amar Tools with more than 30K lines of code over this milstone mark.

Wrapping up Scientology

Aaron Smith-Levin did a second interview with me on Scientology:

I think this would wrap up my talks and interviews on Scientology for now.

I also completed my page here on Scientology. This makes it easier to give those who want me to comment, answer questions or contribute to book projects, articles or school assignments one definite page to get all my views.

RPG tool: Random relationship map for citizens of a town

I’m on a roll. Decided to add yet another tool to the Amar Role-Playing Game. You now get a randomly generated relationship map between the citizens whenever you generate a fantasy village, town or city.

You can also download your generated village/town/city as a text file, edit it as you wish and upload your edited file to get a random relationship map for your new settlement. Check out the tools here: Tools for the Amar RPG.

You will get a map like this:

Click the image to zoom in.

Be aware, for larger settlements, the map becomes chaotic.

Source code for all the Amar RPG tools is freely avalable on Github.

RPG Random Town Generator

The Amar Role-Playing Game has got yet another tool: a random town generator. It doesn’t draw a map for you, but it will save contless hours populating villages, towns and cities. You will get a realistic distribution of house types, shops and trades. Each house is populated with residents – complete with name, age, sex, main skill level and basic personality.

Whereas this tool is created for the Amar RPG, it will save time for Game Masters of any fantasy RPG in creating settlements for a game campaign.

Source code for all the Amar RPG tools is avalable on Github.

Amar RPG: New tools

The Amar Role-Playing Game has got two new tools lately.

To understand what Amar RPG is, check out its extensive wiki.

The new tools are a random names generator and an “Open ended dice roller“. The random names generator will give you ten names of the race you pick (from human male and female names to dwarves, elves, trolls and more).

If you are a Game Master for an Amar RPG campaign, you now have a better swiss army knife at your disposal.

Coming up is something even more time-saving. I won’t reveal just yet what it is, but I can tell you that it will save hours upon hours of preparations – even if you are playing other Role-Playing Game systems.

OnePageBook #11: Recruitment – Effective tips to hire the right person

After 8 years of heading a recruitment company I wrote the Interview Handbook. After another two years of daily interviews, I quit the company in order to cater for my inner nerd.

I then did 12 years in the IT business before Brendan and I started the comapny “Å” ( in 2012.

Everything got simpler. And simpler. And simpler. To the point where I can now revisit my 10 years in the recruitment business and boil everything down to one page. So here it is, The OnePageBook, Recruitment:

“Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for the love of it.” (Henry David Thoreau)

Cleaning your room, processes and ITIL

  • ITIL: A formalized way of delivering IT services
  • Processes: The structured actions taken between an input and an output
  • Cleaning your room: Tidying and removing dirt from your room before the guests arrive

If you never ever clean your room, wash the dishes or your clothes, water the plants or make dinner, the gap between your skills and your mother’s skills in these areas will keep widening. Your skills will be handicapped by your mother’s empathy and care.

If you establish processes in an organization that is supposed to take care of issues and problems for the employees, it wil handicap their abilities to handle this themselves.

In the ITIL framework, you are supposed to establish some 27 processes to cater for every part of IT service delivery in an organization. One such process is Problem Management. The purpose of this process is to handle the underlying cause of one or more issues so that it doesn’t happen again. When this is turned into a process where a subset of employees gets to be experts at detecting problems, conduct root causes analysis and solve the problems, the gap between the skills of these guys and the rest keeps widening. The process will handicap the employees problem solving skills.

Problem solving should be a skill exercized by every employee. It should be part of the company’s culture, their DNA. Everyone should jump at the opportunity to solve problems they encounter. It will hone their skills and keep them valuable as efficient problem solvers. Those who encounter a specific problem has more initial data about it and can usually solve it quicker… if they have excellent problem solving skills.

Don’t relegate important skills sets to only certain processes. Help everyone exercize and fine-tune their skills in fire-fighting, problem solving, change management, customer handling, documentation and strategic thinking.